A hydrostatic test is performed to determine the integrity and soundness of pressure vessels and piping joints. A decrease in the applied pressure or leakage through the products or joints or plastic deformation or distortion or bulging in the product is indication of inadequate quality of the product under test. This test method is also termed as Leak testing (based on the principles of leakage during pressurised condition) and Pressure Drop Test (based on the principles of decrease in pressure during test due to unacceptable discontinuities). It is also the most common method often employed and it is the one of the most reliable test methods when determining the integrity and soundness of the vessel. Some of the standards permits hydrostatic test as a substitute for other expensive non-destructive test methods.
This test is preferred over pneumatic test due to safety reasons. Hydrostatic test method is applied on the newly manufactured pressure equipments, after alterations, repairs and before recommissioning stage.
LMATS is NATA accredited for testing of pressure vessels, pressure piping, cylinders, pipes, hoses, valves, fittings and other pressure components. LMATS Melboure and Sydney laboratories performs hydrostatic test in accordance with AS 4037, AS 4458, AS 4041, AS 1210, AS 1228, AS 2885.2, AS 1579, AS 1631, ASME V Article 10 and similar national/international standards.