LMATS offers the most advanced NDT methods including ECA, PAUT,TOFD, CRT, IRIS, RFT, PEC, LRUT, SRUT, LFET, RFT, NFA, MFL.
Our extensive range of Advanced Non Destructive Testing NDT solutions give our customers unmatched capability of applications ranging from weld inspections to the detection of hidden cracks, voids, porosity and other internal irregularities in metals, composites, plastics and ceramics.
Advanced NDT is Fast, Accurate, Traceable
These offer a significant benefits over traditional techniques such as:
- Accurate defect sizing in 3 dimentions
- Inspection of components with complex geometry
- Allowing permanent traceable records for future monitoring
- Ease of data review of complex inspections
- Analysis of complex evaluation and modelling
- Often fast detection and identification of defects
Our services cover many industries:
- Petro Chemical
- Gas
- Oil
- Energy Generation
- Transport
- Aerospace
- Marine
- Manufacturing
- and more
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Advanced NDT
- ECA Eddy Current Array testing
- PAUT Phased Array Ultrasonic testing
- TOFD Time of Flight Diffraction
- CRT Computed Radiographic testing
- PEC Pulsed Eddy Current testing
- GW LRUT Guided Wave Long Range Ultrasonic testing
- SRUT Short Range Ultrasonic testing
- LFET Low Frequency Electromagnetic Technique
Advanced Heat Exchanger tube testing