Electrical Conductor cable inspection and testing.
LMATS regularly performs the following tests on the Conductors used in the high voltage electrical transmission network / grid

Visual Examination of Electrical Conductors:
- General visual examination as required by the Inspection test plans including Photo documentation of as received and stage wise for all layers of strands.
- Identify the Type & Configuration of the conductors.
- Identify critical areas for further detailed assessment.
- Photo documentation of critical aspects of the conductors with reference to Corrosion, Erosion, Wear, Grease content, etc etc.
- For detailed information on this Visual Inspection test method
See the NDT Visual Inspection.
Tensile strength properties:
- Tensile tests on individual strands from different layers of conductor as required by the Inspection test plans including a determination of the composite strength of the conductor.
- For detailed information on this Mechanical Tensile test method
See the Mechanical Tensile testing.
Hardness test:
- Vickers Hardness tests on Individual strand cross sections as required by the Inspection test plans
- For detailed information on this Mechanical Hardness testing section
See the Mechanical Hardness testing section.
Torsion test:
- Torsion tests on individual strands as required by the Inspection test plans including
- For detailed information on this test method for Torsion testing of Electrical Conductors
See the Mechanical Torsion test section.
Wrapping test:
- This test determins the ductility of a conductor to ensure suitability of the material as cable conductor
- This property plays significant role during manufacturing and installation process where the cable is subjected to torsion due to axial twist and might break
- Wrapping tests on individual strands as required by the Inspection test plans
- Higher the ductility, easily the material can be wound and twisted without its breaking.
Metallographic tests:
- Metallographic tests on Conductor strands to assess the extent of corrosion, determine the costing thickness, etc.
- For detailed information on this test method for Metallography of Electrical Conductors
See the Metallography testing section.
Chemical Composition:
- Determine chemical compositions of the strand base material and the coatings
- Positively identify the chemical make up of the base material to ensure that is within the designed specification
- LMATS uses the latest Spectroscopy methods and equipment in determining the Chemical Composition of Electrical Conductors
- For detailed information on this test method for determining the Chemical Composition of Electrical Conductors
See the Chemical Composition testing section.
Zinc Mass:
- Determination of Zinc mass on the Galvanized steel core strands
- For detailed information on this test method for determining the Zinc mass on the Galvanized steel cored Electrical Conductors
See detailed information on this Zinc mass testing section.
Grease mass:
- Determination of the Grease mass on the Galvanized steel core strands
- For detailed information on this test method for determining the Grease mass on the Galvanized steel cored Electrical Conductors
See detailed information on this Grease mass testing section.
Advanced test methods :
- SEM/EDS Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy
- For detailed information on Advanced test methods for Electrical Conductors
See detailed information on this SEM/EDS Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy testing section.
Professional Services for electrical conductors:
As part of LMATS professional services we undertake the following:
- Failure Investigation of conductors
Finding the root cause of Conductor failures can lead to better maintenance practices and produce more reliable operation in the future - Independent Expert Witness
- Quality Management of supplies Independent assesment of incomeing supplies to determin that the samples are within specifications
- For detailed information on the Professional Services
See LMATS professional services section.
In the past few years, LMATS has performed testing on 100’s of electrical conductors for various power distribution companies in Victoria, NSW and Qld.
LMATS regularly performs Electrical Conductor testing in VIC - Victoria, NSW - New South Wales, QLD - Queesnland, QLD - Brisbane, SA - South Australia, TAS - Tasmania, NT -Northern Territory, WA - Western Australia and some of the countries aroung the world.
Electrical Transmission line Conductors Condition Assessment / Monitoring
AS 1222.1 :- Steel conductors and stays - Bare overhead - Galvanized (SC/GZ)
AS 1222.2 :- Steel conductors and stays - Bare overhead - Aluminium clad (SC/AC)
AS 1531 :- Conductors - Bare overhead - Aluminium and aluminium alloy
AS 1746 :- Conductors - Bare overhead - Hard-drawn copper
AS 3607 :- Conductors - Bare overhead, aluminium and aluminium alloy - Steel reinforced
And Other Similar products.
LMATS offer a full and comprehensive range of Electrical Transmission line Conductors Mechanical testing and Metallurgical Services.