Calibration Services by LMATS
Calibration is a process of establishing the relationship between the values indicated by a measuring instrument against the values from a known measuring instrument that is traceable to the national and international standard. When feasible the instrument readings are adjusted to read correct readings as part of the calibration process.
A calibration is performed under controlled environment and by trained and experienced calibration professionals.
LMATS comprises a team of professionals to calibrate various instruments such as:
Linear measuring instruments
- micrometers
- vernier callipers
- slip gauges
- gauge blocks
- various custom gauges
- measuring rules
- measuring tapes
- microscope eyepieces
- dial gauges
Pressure measuring devices
- pressure gauges
- pressure transducers
Force measuring devices
- load cells
- portable masses
- weights
- tensioners
Temperature measuring devices
- thermometer
- thermocouples