LMATS regularly undertake Rail Weld Joints inspection services using various inspection methods for the inspection of rail flash but welds and Aluminothermic welding "Thermite" procedures.
LMATS has ILAC MRA recognized accreditation pre-shipment inspections a product tested once and accepted everywhere
LMATS provides independent second line checks the manufacturer’s own inspection processes, carried out on either a second or third-party basis. This review not only ensures that the manufacturers are carrying out the correct checks and inspections but witnesses a sample set and identifies additional non-compliances or improvements throughout the process.
In-Service Rail Failures can have catastrophic effects on the bottom line whether it is from derailments causing large production losses to speed restrictions on the rail system
10% of joints are Aluminothermic welds
90% of joints are Flash Butt welds
90% of failures are in Aluminothermic welds
Majority of our work is qualification testing
In addition to inspection for mandatory compliance LMATS have many years of experience in the inspection of quality, finish and customer compliance issues, particularly final customer inspections.
In accordance with AS 1085.20-2012, Appendix G and Tables M2, N3 Traverses conducted 5mm from the Railhead at 2mm indentation spacing in accordance with AS 1817.1 and AS 2205.6.1. The Railhead hardness has a direct relationship to wear and the amount of Rolling contact fatigue (RCF)experienced. Rolling contact fatigue is the creation and development of cracks on the running surface of the rail due to contact stresses between the wheel and rail. The propagation of these cracks or fissures could lead to catastrophic rail failure.
In accordance with AS 1085.20-2012, Appendix E and Table M2
Inspect the rail for visual signs of defects before the length is ultrasonically tested. The entire weld shall be inspected including the ground weld surface, the heat-affected zone on both sides of the weld. Identify, record and report evidence (including size and position) of the following: • Cracks • Tears • Gouges • Gas porosity • Shrinkage porosity • Slag or sand inclusions • Fins • Electrode burns • Grinding burns • Hammer marks • Abnormal heat-affected zone (HAZ) indications • Riser break indicators (porosity, gas holes, etc) • Bolt hole distance (bolt holes must be greater than 65mm from weld)
Rail Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing Rail welding processes covered are flash butt welds in rails and Aluminothermic in accordance with the procedure to AS 1085.20-2012 and specifications to AS 1085.20-2012 Table F6.1
Multiaxial Strain gauges are applied to the rail web and foot in line with the weld. A broach is then used to remove the material around the strain gauge while measuring the strain.