LMATS provides visual inspection services on various engineering structures and products from its Australian Laboratories. LMATS has experienced Inspectors, Metallurgists, Engineers, NACE/AICIP/WTIA certified Inspectors and NDT Personnel. The combination of these professionals ensures optimal inspection regimes.

Visual inspections also commonly called Visual examination or Visual Testing VT on objects, parts, components engineering structures is the oldest and reliable non-destructive testing method. This test method is applied to almost every product as a quality assurance tool. Generally, the most detrimental unacceptable discontinuities in the objects or items are the surface opening discontinuities.  Visual scanning, inspection or testing can successfully detect these unacceptable surface discontinuities without applying expensive test methods.

There are several aids to facilitate and enhance visual inspection. One of the best example is Boroscopy. Boroscopy is applied whenever there is a restriction or access limitations to examine the area of interest with naked eyes. Some of the examples of restricted access are welded pipes, in-service piping, pressure vessel, engine parts, or similar closed assemblies. LMATS staff used Olympus IPLEX LX Boroscope for visual examination of internal surface. The use of Boroscopy enhances the examination process, provides better understanding of the subject area and photographs of internal surface for condition monitoring or traceable record keeping.


LMATS staff regularly performs visual examination of welded joints or fabricated components, castings, forgings, rolled products and several other wrought products in accordance with AS 1554 series, AS 4037, AS 4041, AS 3978, ASME V Article 9, ASME IX QW 194, EN 970, ISO 10042, ASTM and similar other similar standards.

Contact  LMATS  for your project requirements.