LMATS provides plant and structures inspection and assessment and root cause anaysis as part of condition monitoring, to supply condition report to the insurance companies and to comply with the local regulatory requirements.
LMATS can assist in the assessment of fire damaged or impact damaged structures for continuing further usage. Considering the assessment, LMATS can recommend any repair procedures and any other actions.
Fire Damage Assessment (Plant and Structures)
LMATS Services
LMATS advanced testing and inspection services include:
Advanced NDT - ECA Eddy Current Array test
Advanced NDT - PAUT Phased Array Ultrasonic test
Advanced NDT - TOFD Time of Flight Diffraction
Advanced NDT - LRUT Long Range Ultrasonics
NDT - Non-destructive testing - RT, UT, ET, MT, PT
Coatings Inspection - NACE
Risk Based Inspection (RBI)
Pressure Vessel Inspection (PVI) - AICIP & Conformity
Chemical Analysis
Third party Inspection & expert Witness
Quality Audit & NDT Level 3 services
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing
PMI - Positive Material Identification (XRF)
Weld (WPS / WPQR) Qualification
Mechanical Testing
Corrosion Resistance Testing
Metallurgical Services
Failure Investigation
Concrete Testing