Proof Load Tests

Engineering safety structures for occupational use such as guard rails, anchors, ladders, platforms, scaffoldings and lifting devices including jacks are required to be tested before putting in service and during in-service.

Proof load testing ensures these components can withstand the design load without failure or yeilding (unacceptable deformation).

The test is performed by applying force typically in the range of 1.1 to 1.5 times of the design load or maximum allowable working load (MAWL) for a specified duration.

LMATS  can perform proof load tests on:

  • screw jacks
  • car jack
  • trolley jacks and stands ( AS 2538, AS 2615, AS 2693)
  • twist locks
  • tow balls ( AS 4177.2)
  • fixed platforms
  • walkways
  • stairways
  • ladders
  • guardrails
  • post (AS 1657)
  • lifting devices and similar products.

Hand Rail / Guard Rail Tests

Hand rails or guard rails are used almost everywhere in the industry as well as bridges, towers, etc.

These handrails or guardrails must be proof load tested after installation.

LMATS is NATA accredited to perform testing on handrails, fences, gates, guardrail posts in accordance with AS 1657. 

Anchor Proof Load Tests 

LMATS performs on-site anchor proof load testing for fall-restraint system anchors in buildings and worksites. Testing is required on commissioning and after periodic use as per local regulatory requirements. 

Hilti DPG100 Anchor tester (0-100kN) for all types of anchors M6 - M24.

Transport Boxes

Various transport boxes for shipping and offshore industry requires proof load testing to be performed prior to putting them in service.

LMATS performs proof load test on transport boxes and structures in accordance with regulatory requirements.